Thursday, December 13, 2018

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Psalm 66, 67 
1 Samuel 2: 1b-10 
Titus 2: 1-10 
Luke 1.5–25

Joy of a trusting heart

Joy and gladness as spoken of in Luke 1:5-25 describe, in my view, how celebratory joy could be short lived at times, and yet joy that is spiritual is lasting and its effects make for sturdier steps on anyone’s earthly journey to God. What is that joy we are carrying within our hearts? It is the Word of God actively dwelling within us and blessing us with courage, wisdom, trust, and above all, faithfulness to His Word. God framed his spiritual gifts of waiting and preparedness to strengthen Elizabeth’s heart.

The gift of spiritual joy grew quietly within her as the child grew. She accepted her burden of heartfelt sorrow for her barrenness, carrying shame and bearing disgrace amongst her people with whom she had lived. And then, with joy and gladness in her heart she prayed.... ”This is what the Lord has done for me when he looked favourably on me and took away the disgrace I endured among my people” She who waited for many years to conceive showed her grace by going into seclusion for five months and then returned back into her society with grace, dignity and strength enjoying her precious gift of a son. Wonderful news for all of God's people! God blessed Elizabeth, barren for many years, with a son who will bring all of God’s people joy and gladness.

This week in Advent invites us to join with the rest of the world to rejoice in God’s masterful works. We do not see Him, yet we know He is there watching. We do not see the sun yet we know the sun is there. God is there loving and comforting us. The third Sunday of this season is called ‘Gaudete Sunday’ (Latin) meaning to rejoice. It is good to rejoice as we move faithfully through Advent and press on to Bethlehem.
Beulah Walcott

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