Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Psalm 45, 46
Isaiah 35:1–10        
Revelation 22:12–17, 21        
Luke 1:67–80

And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High;  for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways. To give God’s people knowledge of salvation, by the forgiveness of their sins.  Luke 1: 76 – 77 

Daily I recite the Song of Zechariah (Luke 1. 67 - 80) at Morning Prayer.  The words have sunk into my heart over the years.  I can imagine when I’m speaking them that I’m looking intently at a child held in my arms.  I don’t often stop to think who the child is.  The child could be those we are trying to nurture in the faith or Religious Life, or our family, community, or this fragile earth. The child could also be me.

Most of us by this time have much if not all of our preparations done for Christmas.  We’ve baked and cooked, cleaned and polished, bought or made gifts and wrapped them, sent cards and loving thoughts to friends and family members near and far.  All these preparations tell us that we are ready for the coming of Christmas, at least outwardly.  But what about our inmost preparations?

If I hear those same words of the Song of Zechariah as if they were addressed to me personally, then  I am the one who is to prepare God’s way, here and now.  I need to prepare God’s way in my heart and life.  If I know that my sins have been forgiven, then I can forgive others as our Saviour, the Messiah for whom we wait, taught us.  May we make our inmost preparations with as much attention as we do outwardly this Christmas.

- Sr. Elizabeth Ann Eckert, SSJD

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