Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Psalm 72      
Isaiah 28:9–22            
Revelation 21:9–21       
Luke 1:26–38 

And in the spirit he carried me away to a great, high mountain and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God. It has the glory of God and a radiance like a very rare jewel, like jasper, clear as crystal.  Revelation 21:10-11

Last spring our congregation started something new. Twice a month we put a sign up on the sidewalk inviting our neighbours to “Come visit the Open Door today 2 – 4 pm: FREE”. We’re located across the street from a psychiatric hospital and the homes around us are mainly care facilities for adults who cannot live on their own. We set checkered cloths on card tables. The counter is laden with food. Many people say they come for the fresh brewed coffee. One day about 30 guests were gathered. There was lots of chatter while music played on the radio. A man wearing a helmet came in, head and shoulders above the crowd. That’s when we noticed he was wearing inline skates. Effortlessly, he skated around the perimeter and went out again. Minutes later he returned – this time with a man he’d just met on the street. “I told him he should come,” the skater said, “Told him he’d be welcome.” The two sat down, ate something, drank something else. Though new acquaintances, their heads were bent in seemingly serious conversation. Then the skater got up and skated off. A volunteer wondered who he was. Another asked how he knew they’d be welcome. The man he brought in said, “That’s simple. He told me you knew him.” One of the regulars said, “Yeah. You guys know Jesus.” 

Does Jesus wear roller blades?? Today’s reading invites us to open our hearts and see a new kind of city, where all are welcome; a rare jewel indeed.

– Frances Drolet-Smith

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