Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Psalm 122

‘Pray for the peace of Jerusalem’ says Psalm 122:6.  Pray for the peace of the world screams my heart!  We in Canada see only the horror and devastation of the war in the Middle East through the lenses of the media.  Most of us cannot comprehend people walking for days or sailing across seas in bits of tin boats, fleeing with the hope of gaining sanctuary where there is no war.

Our church sponsored Zak and Hind, a young, vibrant, professional Iraqi couple.  They arrived with hearts afire to get on with life.  Zak, Hind, and Zak’s parents fled Iraq when ISIS took note of Zak, a neo-natal nurse and wanted him to look after their wounded fighters. “If you don’t obey, they kill you.”  Even hearing this from Zak, it is hard to comprehend the gripping fear of ISIS.

Hind and Zak have become my new ‘young’ friends.  We talk and laugh together.  It is one thing to laugh on the outside yet still be crying on the inside.  They are worried for family and friends separated by thousands of miles, yet are appreciative of a new start.  They will become incredible, contributing Canadians.

Zak and Hind’s faith in a God of peace has brought them here.  Will Zak and Hind ever feel at peace?
Eventually, I hope.  St. Nicholas (whose feast day this is) was known for his secret gift-giving.  When we can offer the gift of unconditional love to all people, peace will follow.

‘Yours are the eyes through which the compassion of Christ must look out on the world.’ St. Teresa of Avila
- Doreen Davidson

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