Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016
Luke 1: 46 – 55

The first good joy that Mary had,
It was the joy of one;
To see the blessed Jesus Christ
When He was first her son:

When He was first her son, good man:
And blessed may He be,
Both Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
To all eternity.                                                                          traditional medieval carol

We thought we had a month before the baby would arrive when we drove the 9 hours to visit our son and his wife this past summer. There was a long 'to do' list, finishing touches on the nursery, putting books on the shelves, assembling baby furniture, hanging pictures, etc. The baby was considered full term when L's water broke a few days later. The 40 minute drive on country roads through Wisconsin farm country may have been one of the longest trips of my life! Our children may have practiced the drive to the hospital but the road closures and detours were all new to us and despite all our prayers, we were just a bit nervous. Looking up at the full moon in the night sky as we drove, I could not help but to think about Mary's journey. The feelings of Joy the next morning as we drove back to the hospital to meet our new granddaughter were overwhelming.

I am reminded of last summer's journey of joy as I look up at the almost full moon this evening; the waiting, the anticipation, sharing the story of Mary's joy with our new granddaughter - singing her the joys of Mary.

- Chris Hooker

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